Leadership Everyone coming to USI

Leadership Everyone will be holding two Regional VOICE visioning sessions on campus Monday, Sep 23 from 9 to 11 a.m. and Thursday, Sep 26 from 1 to 3 p.m. . USI students, employees and retirees are welcomed to attend. Regional VOICE will open the door for conversations about the future for areas across Vanderburgh, Warrick, Gibson, Posey and Henderson counties.
Opinions will be shared, documented and made available to the public. Regional VOICE is the next phase of Leadership Everyone’s VOICE initiative. Leadership Everyone is a nonprofit organization that is committed to using diversity and creativity for the betterment of the community. Data is gathered from their sessions for grant-making, sustainable projects and comprehensive plans.
Participants’ visions “will establish community priorities to feed into local and regional planning and development initiatives for immediate, mid-range and long-term implementation,” according to Leadership Everyone.