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Taegan Garner, junior political science and sociology major, smiles after she was sworn in as SGA President for 2022-2023 at the SGA General Assembly meeting on Thursday.

SGA inaugurates Garner as SGA president

Shelby Clark and Clare Girten April 25, 2022

Student Government Association inaugurated a new president, executive board and general assembly for the 2022-2023 academic year Thursday evening. The inauguration was held in Forum III.  Tegan...

Erika Uebelhor, SGA attorney general, reads the resolution to create a equity, diversity, and inclusion administrative vice president position to the General Assembly for approval March 3. in Carter Hall The General Assembly unanimously approved the resolution March 3.

SGA forms EDI position, committee

Alyssa DeWig, Staff Writer April 2, 2022

Student Government Association created an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion administrative vice president (AVP) position and committee for the 2022-2023 academic year. Anna Ardelean, president of SGA, signed...

(From left to right) Skye Fuller, a junior public relations and advertising major, Jordan Teusch, a junior business administration major, Lily Hubbard, a freshman graphic design major and Hanoo Alqahtani, a senior international graduate business administration major, holding hands on campus and taking pride in their femininity. The four women participated in a photo shoot for the print issue "Women of USI" on March 15.

Women’s issues exist everywhere

Fallon Heady, Staff Writer March 24, 2022

My first week at USI was a blur of campus activities and new friends, but there is one moment that I will never forget. I was sitting in my dorm, surrounded by faces that were just becoming familiar, when...

Students with menstrual cycles can purchase hygiene products for 50 centers in quarters in most bathrooms on campus. Student organizations are pushing for them to be free.

Student organizations support women resources

Sydney Lawson, Lifestyle Editor March 23, 2022

Student organizations express a need for more free resources available to women. One issue brought to the attention of Student Government Association is the few period products accessible to women on...

Luba Piechn, an Evansville resident from Ukraine came to USI to join the protest. She proudly waved her Ukrainian flag and handed flags to several of her fellow protestors.

Local Ukrainian joins students in protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Shelby Clark, Editor-in-Chief March 3, 2022

A woman arrived in Evansville after visiting her children and grandson in Ukraine one week before the first bomb hit Ukraine. On Wednesday, she walked up the stairs outside of the David L. Rice Library...

Erika Uebelhor, Student Government Associate attorney general, presents to the General Assembly Feb. 10 on Zoom her motion to update the president and vice-president candidate requirements.

SGA updates election rules after complications in the 2021 election

Shelby Clark, Editor-in-Chief February 23, 2022

The Student Government Association unanimously voted to update the language for vice-president and president candidate requirements during the Zoom General Assembly Feb. 10. The update came as a response...

Nicholas LaRowe, co-chair of the Division I Exploratory Committee, speaks about the DI Exploratory Committee at a Public Forum hosted by the Student Government Association Dec. 2, 2021.

A look into the Division I Exploratory Committee

Fallon Heady and Sydney Lawson February 6, 2022

President Ronald Rochon formed the Division I Exploratory Committee on Oct. 8, 2021, to investigate if the switch from Division I to Division II would be feasible.  The Division I Exploratory Committee...

Student Government Association General Assembly members vote to continue the discussion on SGA freshman representative position Jan. 13. SGA voted in the new SGA freshman representative position on Jan. 20.

SGA adds freshman representative to the General Assembly

Fallon Heady, Staff Writer February 2, 2022

The Student Government Association passed a resolution implementing five voting freshman student representative positions into the SGA General Assembly.  The resolution was introduced to the assembly...

David Bower,  chair of the COVID-19 task force, speaks before the Board of Trustees Thursday. Bower said the week of Jan. 2, 2022 to Jan. 8, 2022 marked the highest number of university COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began.

University has highest number of COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic

Tegan Ruhl and Ian Young January 17, 2022

112 students and 15 employees tested positive for COVID-19 between Jan. 2nd and Jan. 8th. David Bower, chair of the COVID-19 task force, said this is the highest number of university positive cases since...

All students can park in lots A, B, C, D and F during the day for Spring 2022 including residential students who were previously restricted from parking on campus from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday during Fall 2021.

All students are allowed to park on campus for Spring 2022

Sydney Lawson, Lifestyle Editor January 17, 2022

Public Safety changed its parking policy for the Spring 2022 semester. The change allows all students to park on campus in lots A, B, C, D and E during the day including residential students who were restricted...

Anna Ardelean, president of Student Government Association, signs a resolution regarding the campus busing situation Monday. Erika Uebelhor (back left) wrote the letter of support and Haviland Wyant (back right) was the second signature on the resolution Monday.

SGA signs letter of support for on-campus bus solutions

Shelby Clark, Editor-in-Chief December 2, 2021

Student Government Association signed a letter of support on Monday asking Public Safety, the Dean of Students Office and all related university organizations to fix the bus and parking situation during...

Suicide Prevention Resources

Suicide Prevention Resources

Shelby Clark, Editor-in-Chief September 17, 2021

Message from the Editor:  The Q & A below is intended to provide members of the campus community with the resources they need to help one another. Seven Indiana college students have died from...

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