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Gallery: Students, regional employers gather for Spring’s Internship and Career Fair

Gallery: Students, regional employers gather for Spring’s Internship and Career Fair

Alex Mendoza, News Editor February 27, 2025

This event is to help students meet and connect with possible future employers in the local and regional area. All grades and majors were welcome to attend, hand out resumes and introduce themselves...

Marcus Gribbins (left) sophomore communication studies major, Hannah Holte (center) senior elementary and special education major, and Nicole Schwartz (right) a recruiter from T.J.Maxx played a challenging game of Uno at the networking game night Wednesday evening.

Game night connects employers, future employees

Jeana Everhart, Staff Writer October 21, 2017

Hannah Holte laughed with her table as the endless game of Uno continued.  The group had been playing for what felt like an eternity. Finally,  it was Holte’s turn and during her next pass placed...

Upperclassmen program struggles for numbers

Upperclassmen program struggles for numbers

Taylor O’Neil Hall, Sports Editor March 29, 2017

Phil Parker said he “would love” for the percentage of university students using Career Services and Internships to be higher, and he thinks the numbers should be higher because of the events they...

University signs partnership with Pollux

Bobby Shipman, Editor-in-Chief March 2, 2016

The university announced Wednesday it will partner with Pollux Systems, Inc. President Linda Bennett and Pollux CEO Paul McGowan signed a memorandum of understanding, which details a five-year, “multi-faceted...

Snow at Holiday World: USI alum to assume VP position at amusement park

Roberto Campos March 20, 2013

When Eric Snow graduated from USI in 2003, he knew he wanted to work in the amusement industry. Snow was 16 years old when he stumbled upon an opportunity to work at Holiday World as a ride operator....

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