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The Shield

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University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

Poets Emily Skaja (left) and and Marcus Wicker (right) will present their work Thursday at 4:30 p.m. in Forum I.

Reading series to conclude semester with contemporary poets

Jeana Everhart, Staff Writer November 12, 2019

Nadia Farmer said she tries to go to the Southern Indiana Reading Series every semester because she is able to learn more about different writing perspectives and creativity. “It's a good experience...

Writer Joe Wilkins will read from his novel "Fall Back Down When I Die" Thursday, 4:30 p.m. in the Griffin Center.

Author recounts Montana past through debut novel

Jeana Everhart, Staff Writer October 21, 2019

Joe Wilkins said he fell in love with writing because language is something that he uses every day to reach out to those he loves and to try to explain himself to the world. The writer is now the author...

Rosalie Moffett, an assistant professor of English, will present her work for the Southern Indiana Reading Series Sept. 26 4:30-5:30 pm. at the Griffin Center.

Expanding the view of poetry

Emma Corry, Features Editor September 17, 2019

Rosalie Moffett said she likes poetry because it lets her study whatever she wants. “I’m interested in history and science and technology and being a writer allows me to pursue any interests that...

Professor to present poetry at Griffin Center

Professor to present poetry at Griffin Center

Emma Corry, Staff Writer April 2, 2019

The Shield interviewed Professor of English Matthew Graham who will present work from his new poetry collection, “The Geography of Home,” at a poetry reading sponsored by the Southern Indiana Reading...

Marty McConnell

Poets to speak on gender, sexuality

Emma Corry, Staff Writer March 12, 2019

The Shield interviewed poet Marty McConnell who will present her work with Meg Day at a poetry reading sponsored by the Department of Communications, Gender Studies Program, Sexuality and Gender Alliance...

Speaking, reading events on campus leave positive impacts

Speaking, reading events on campus leave positive impacts

Darrian Breedlove, Opinion Editor February 26, 2019

USI is known for many enjoyable activities and programs, but some of the most influential and popular aspects of campus are the events involving guest speakers and readings. Inviting guest speakers...

Elena Passarello will present her work for the USI Reading Series at 4:30 p.m. Feb. 19 in the Performance Center.

The power of the human voice

Emma Corry, Staff Writer February 12, 2019

The Shield interviewed essayist Elena Passarello who will present her work for the Southern Indiana Reading Series with Hanif Abdurraqib, at 4:30 p.m. Feb. 19 in the Performance Center. The Shield:...

James Han Mattson will present his novel, "The Lost Prayers of Ricky Graves" Nov. 8 in Klemeyer Hall at 4:30 p.m.

Author to tackle sexuality, bullying through writing

Emma Corry, Staff Writer October 30, 2018

James Han Mattson was working part-time at a hotel in north Berkeley, California when he got an idea while reading a book by Clive Barker. “I remember reading it and thinking, ‘I could probably...

Chelsea and Mark Wagenaar will be reading their poetry on Thursday 4:30 p.m. in the Griffin Center. Prose writer Michael Martone will be presenting his work at. Oct. 4  at 4:30 p.m. in the Traditions Longue.

Dynamic duo to bring poetry to life

Jeana Everhart, Staff Writer September 24, 2018

Casey Pycior said there is something special about hearing poetry read aloud. “I know that sounds kind of over the top but it’s true,” the assistant professor of English said. “You’ll...

Maggie Smith, author of "Good Bones," "The Well Speaks of Its Own Poison" and "Lamp of the Body," read her poem "Rain, New Year's Eve" Thursday afternoon in the Griffin Center. Smith came to the university with poet, Matthew Guenette as a part of the Southern Indiana Reading Series. Smith is the author of three prizewinning chapbooks and had her poem "Good Bones" translated into nearly a dozen languages.

Acclaimed poets attract community, captivate audience

Noah Alatza, Staff Writer October 13, 2017
World-renowned poets Matthew Guenette and Maggie Smith held a public reading to a packed house Oct. 12 in the Griffin Center.
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