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The Shield

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University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

Students with menstrual cycles can purchase hygiene products for 50 centers in quarters in most bathrooms on campus. Student organizations are pushing for them to be free.

Student organizations support women resources

Sydney Lawson, Lifestyle Editor March 23, 2022

Student organizations express a need for more free resources available to women. One issue brought to the attention of Student Government Association is the few period products accessible to women on...

SAGA founder Blaine Halford talks about his experience being a member of the LGBT community in Evansville has differed from his experience living in Louisiana.

SAGA raises awareness, money

Riley Guerzini, News Editor April 25, 2017

Blaine Halford is no activist, but he said it's important for people to be aware of bullying against those in the LGBT community. Halford, a freshman computer science major, along with members of the...

Day of Silence to promote  bullying awareness

Day of Silence to promote bullying awareness

Riley Guerzini, News Editor April 12, 2017

After a short hiatus from the university, the national Day of Silence has returned. After a three year absence, the Day of Silence, which intends to bring awareness to the “silencing” effects of anti-LGBT...

After speeches about sexual assualt and gender violence, male audience members walked a mile in bright red high-heels to raise awareness for violence against women and men during the 11th annual “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” Tuesday evening. Students, professors and community members walked from the UC, past the Orr Center and ended at the College of Liberal Arts, where members of the community, officers and Dean Beeby spoke about their experience walking in the heels, before the participants took a pledge to never “commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women.”

‘We should not be daunted’

Riley Guerzini, News Editor April 12, 2017

In its 11th year, “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” once again attempts to tackle an ongoing issue. The event featured male students, faculty and community members who walked a mile in high heels and pledged...

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