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The Shield

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University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

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University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

An empty classroom

Students struggle with online classes, isolation, communication

Shelby Clark, Staff Writer November 18, 2020

“Am I really going to USI or am I just taking classes online?” Madison Martin, freshman pre-nursing major, said. Online classes have become more common amongst students due to COVID-19.  Besides...

The Quad and David L. Rice Library

Classes to go online first three weeks of spring semester

Rhonda Wheeler, Editor-in-Chief October 23, 2020

All classes will be online for the first three weeks of spring semester. Classes will still begin Jan. 19, but will be held virtually. There are exceptions for labs, practicums, clinicals and other...

An illustration of the coronavirus.

Five free resources for students at home during COVID-19 pandemic

Riley Guerzini, Editor-in-Chief March 21, 2020

Tech companies across the country are offering free resources for students at home who are light on cash due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Shield has compiled a list of five resources students can take...

Letter from the Editors: Our next steps

Letter from the Editors: Our next steps

The Shield Editorial Board March 18, 2020

Dear USI community,   The Shield shares the frustration and sorrow felt across the state, nation and world as the COVID-19 pandemic infiltrates nearly every aspect of our daily lives. We want...

University moves to online classes for remainder of semester, shuts down housing

University moves to online classes for remainder of semester, shuts down housing

Riley Guerzini, Editor-in-Chief March 17, 2020

President Ron Rochon announced today the university will move to online-only classes for the remainder of the semester because of COVID-19. Campus, along with all other university owned property,...

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