A month means nothing

The Gregorian Calendar is a travesty, lacking any semblance of reason. The decisions for changes have been ridiculous, leading to a unit of time, a “month,” that is variable, arbitrary and annoying.

December, a word derived from the Latin word decem, meaning 10, is as one might expect, the 12th month of the calendar year. September, October and November are named equally erroneously. Leap day falls unremarkably on Feb. 29, a month that normally has 28 days while others have 30 and some have 31.

There is a better way.

The International Fixed Calendar was first proposed in 1902 by Moses B. Cotsworth. This calendar contains 13 months with 28 days each for a total of 364 days. The last day of the year, dubbed Year Day, would exist outside months and weeks and be its own special day at the end of December. It would be preceded by a Saturday and followed by a Sunday. It would be a celebration of a logical calendar.

The new month, dubbed Sol meaning sun, would come between June and July at the height of summer. For leap years, leap day would come at the end of June, also existing outside of the week. Doing so ensures each month (and year) begins on a Sunday and ends on a Saturday.

There would be some growing pains in switching to the IFC. Financial quarters would no longer be so clear cut. Something would have to be done with all of the birthdays that happen on days after 28. Dates for certain holidays like Halloween would need to change.

Don’t worry. There are solutions.

For financial quarters, they would simply happen every 13 weeks. There is a conversion method for birthdays, which may seem a bit tedious until some of you realize you get to have a birthday in Sol. And although Halloween is no longer on the 31st, we do get a Friday the 13th every month. *insert witty quip*

From the Babylonian Calendar to Romulus’ Calendar, the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar, the world has changed calendars in an attempt to improve on a system that did not work for them. There’s no reason to remain fettered to a broken system. We should adopt the International Fixed Calendar.