Ask Alex: finals and graduation prep

December 8, 2017
Dear Alex, I’m terribly nervous about my finals this week and next week. I haven’t been able to study much because I have three dogs and two part-time jobs. How can I prepare myself in time to take my finals? I don’t want to fail. I want to ace my finals, but I’m too nervous to even begin studying. – Frantic for Finals
That’s an understandable reaction to a stressful situation.
If you know anyone in your classes that are also feeling the same way in the lead up to finals, ask them if they would like to study together.
If there’s a discussion board for your classes on Blackboard, take full advantage of it.
I always ask my professors if there’s anything I should pay more attention to from the lectures or reading assignments throughout the semester.
It seems like the time commitment to studying is what’s mostly in your way.
Many students that have jobs and other adult responsibilities have to do their best to overcome a similar situation.
The best thing you can do is try to make as much time as possible. If there’s something else in you day that you can go without doing, like watching TV or playing video games, cut those out for a few days and get some studying done.
Alex, I wanted to put off writing this until the last possible moment. What am I supposed to do after graduation? I majored in creative writing and I don’t know where to look for a job at. My dad is always saying I should have majored in business like he did, but writing is my passion. I don’t want to disappoint my dad, he paid for me to attend college after all. Do you have any suggestions? – Unsure at USI
Parents are tough to please sometimes.
If you’re feeling indebted to your father because he’s covering the cost of school, that’s reasonable.
But think about it like this, if your father is suggesting business as a major because he sees that as the end all be all for achieving success or making money, you at least won’t have the stress of earning a lower wage since you you’re graduating debt free.
Networking is one of the best ways to find work. There will always be places that need to communicate with either their cliental or the public.
That’s your skill. The best way to get a job is to sell your skill set to potential employers.
In short, look for a job where written communication is highly desired for the position.
You might not enjoy what you’re writing, but at least you’ll be employed and putting that creative writing degree to good use.