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The Shield

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University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

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University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

Students blasted music from a single speaker as they played game after game of Cornhole at Labor Day at the Lake Monday afternoon. Students enjoyed a variety of other games such as beach volleyball and soccer.

Navigating the new normal with friends

Rhonda Wheeler, Editor-in-Chief September 24, 2020

One of the things I missed most about campus was being around my friends.  Even though we’re back on campus, we should still practice social distancing whenever possible.  Some fun things you...

Dean of Students Brian Rush and counselor Thomas Longwell sign the poster which states that they will stand against racism or discrimination of any kind during the Stand Against Racism rally put on by the YWCA on Thursday.

Counseling Center Director: ‘It’s okay to be anxious’ in this time

Nik Cunningham, Sports Editor April 13, 2020

The Counseling Center is the place to go when you’re anxious, depressed, or just stressed, but with the campus shutdown and the counselors distant, stress is running high for many students. Thomas...

The COVID-19 pandemic has left students facing numerous uncertainty about classes, graduation, housing and more. The uncertainty has taken a toll on their mental health as they find ways to cope with the sudden life change.

Students face mental struggles while social distancing

Riley Guerzini and Nik Cunningham March 28, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has left students facing numerous uncertainty about classes, graduation, housing and more. The uncertainty has taken a toll on their mental health as they find ways to cope with the...

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