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The Shield

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University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

Students to debate policy, reflect on election

Students to debate policy, reflect on election

Riley Guerzini, Managing Editor November 5, 2018

The university’s Philosophy Club will host a civil discussion and debate Thursday at 6 p.m. in Forum 2 of the Wright Administration Building. A student-led panel will debate policy issues and reflect...

Art of argument

Art of argument

Sarah Rogers, Opinion Editor April 18, 2017

The United States is a pretty diverse place. There are over 310 religions and denominations, differing political stances and a wide array of cultures. Yet it seems all we want to do is talk with...

University hosts debate watch party

Riley Guerzini, News Editor September 30, 2016

University students and faculty gathered Monday night in Carter Hall to watch the presidential debate and engage in a civil discussion. Before the debate began Associate Professor of Social Work Wendy...

VIDEO: 2015 SGA Presidential Debate

VIDEO: 2015 SGA Presidential Debate

USI Shield Staff March 30, 2015
Those who missed out on the Student Government Association's 2015-2016 presidential candidate debate Thursday can now watch the full event. The Shield livestreamed as all three candidates laid out their platforms at the USI Performance Center, and answered questions submitted from the audience.

Faculty Senate to vote on HJR-6 statement

James Vaughn November 22, 2013

The Faculty Senate will decide whether or not to make a public statement opposing House Joint Resolution-6 (HJR-6) Friday. The 14-member body failed to come to a consensus at its Nov. 22, meeting regarding...

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