Here on campus, we have what students know as the Disability Center. Immediately we tend to think of students with ADD, ADHD or maybe some other type of disability.
We forget to think about those students who have anxiety or those who need a quiet place to go to take their exams.
Within the first few weeks of my freshmen year, I knew I needed to go to one of the departments and ask where I could receive treatment for my anxiety.
The Disability Center was the first to answer among many. As I walked in, I was greeted by a warm smile from one of the ladies at the front desk.
She helped me organize a meeting with one the heads of the Disability Center in order for the university to understand what I was diagnosed with.
I knew I had severe anxiety issues and I requested that I have extra time on tests, as well as being placed in a separate room away from others for concentration purposes.
Once I got my doctor’s consent, everything went smoothly from there on out.
I have found the Disability Center so helpful to my success at USI. I can concentrate better, and I am slowly learning to control my anxiety.
Students need to understand that this department is more than a place for students who need help with exams.
The people at the Disability Center are willing to help students succeed with whatever they need, whether it be reading comprehension, test anxiety, etc.
And they are always looking for people to stop in and say hello. So, just make your face better known around campus with a friendly stop into the Disability Center.