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The Shield

University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield


Jobs is a biographical drama film based on the life of Steve Jobs, from 1974 while he was a student at Reed College to 2001.

The only people who are interested in seeing this movie are the Apple fanatics. If you don’t care about Apple, or it’s products or Steve Jobs, you’ll not want to see it.

And if you do, you’re going to be extremely disappointed. It follows Jobs (Ashton Kutcher) from being a college dropout who sat in on classes he didn’t pay for anymore at Reed College to creating the Apple company in his parents job with partner Steve Wozniak (Josh Gad), to losing it, to getting it back, and having a family.

The movie didn’t cover who Jobs was as a man. It covered who he was as a CEO of a company in a short-time span. It doesn’t even acknowledge the end of Job’s life as he struggled to run his company and live with pancreatic cancer.

It is well known that Jobs’s family were important to him, and yet, they had maybe eight minutes of screen time. The movie was basically several shots of Jobs yelling at people centered around him doing drugs, failing at something, saying something smart-assy, failing at something else and some more yelling.

Anyone who didn’t take the time to read up on Jobs before seeing the movie would leave thinking he was nothing more than an egotistical, power-hungry monster who’s untimely death was probably incurred by all the temper tantrums he threw.

If anything good is to be said about Jobs, it’s Kutcher’s acting. I never thought I would approve of him being chosen to play Jobs, but he did it better than I could have imagined. He nailed everything down to Steve’s mannerisms and little quarks.


–Jessie Hellmann, Staff writer