Faculty Senate discusses syllabi

Faculty Senate’s first decision of the semester is to “remind” the chairs of departments to monitor course syllabi and curriculum changes by instructors.

The senate spent nearly half of the one hour and 45 minute meeting discussing problems when instructors within each department, specifically those who teach core curriculum or lower-level classes, teach material that doesn’t align with established course syllabi. Previous chair Rex Strange introduced the issue, listed as item eight on the senate’s agenda.

Several senators said they would like to clarify what the method is of getting a course description changed.

The senate made a motion to send the issue to the university curriculum committee, but after further discussion, it decided to instead share the concerns with Council of Department Chairs and Program Directors as a “more directed message” to the people whose duty it is to examine course descriptions and syllabi.

“What I would recommend (saying) to the chair’s council is that they’re the ones responsible for the integrity of the curriculum,” secretary Brandon Fields said. “I don’t think we need to ask for feedback.”

Speaking at once, senators said “integrity” might not be the best wording.

While the senate made its decision on the curriculum issue, it tabled appointing faculty members to the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee, the Student Publications Committee and the University Athletics Council.

The senate also listened to presentations from Human Resources Director Andrew Lenhardt and University Athletic Council Chair Katie Ehlman and Athletic Director Jon Mark Hall.

Lenhardt updated the senate on Title IX policy updates, focusing on adjustments in appealing Title IX cases. He said his office plans a three-day training for faculty at the end of October.

Ehlman and Hall presented general information about the Athletic Council and shared statistics from the spring about athletes, graduation rates and scholarships.