Rugby is one of the most beloved sports found at USI.
It combines a majority of things we as humans love: throwing, kicking things and hitting people we don’t know.
Currently women’s rugby is nearing club level recognition by the university.
This is not the first time women’s rugby has come to campus, but in the past it has come and gone because of a lack of leadership.
Overall, the university has a strong rugby tradition.
The men’s rugby team started in 1991. They are two-time National Small College Rugby Organization (NSCRO) Indiana State champions (2012 and 2013).
Dajha Brown, a freshman psychology major credited with the idea for the women’s team said it’s been rough recruiting players.
Let’s be real though, college is stressful.
Tests, projects, ridiculously long reading assignments and roommates who always beat you at Madden. (That last one might just be me.)
Sometimes hitting someone is what you need, plus they deserve it for having the ball.
Also, rugby is interesting. At least watch a match before you dismiss it.
I know I am asking students to go against everything within themselves as an American and not make a snap decision based on no fact, but give it a chance to make an impression.
In the past few years the nation has began to adopt soccer as its own, why can’t rugby be next?