USI Basketball has had its own radio show since 1992, but now fans have the opportunity to call in and ask Men’s Head Basketball Coach Rodney Watson questions live.
“We haven’t been able to take phone calls in the past and I think that will be a great addition to the show,” Watson said. “I know sometimes we will have to answer some questions that aren’t really flattering and that’s OK. I think it’s important for the callers to get those answers directly from the source.”
Hosted at Turoni’s Pizzeria and Brewery on Main Street in Evansville, the radio show also gives fans a chance to voice their opinions and ask questions during a 15 minute segment, during which the microphone is passed around to various guests.
“People sort of schedule their dinner around it. They get together, get their pizza and then watch the show and interact with questions,” Watson said.
Dan Egierski, a 30 year Southern Indiana radio broadcaster, will co-host the show alongside Watson.
Egierski said he expects the show’s popularity to increase from its already large fan-base.
“It’s been really popular. A lot of the Eagles fans show up each every week,” Egierski said. “They kind of sit in the same seats every time and some get there early to reserve their seats.”
He said he is unsure what affect the live phone calls will have on the show, but is hopeful it will be a positive one.
“We are certainly throwing that out there and will be mentioning it throughout the shows,” he said. “Whether or not they do call in, that remains to be seen, but at least they’ll have that opportunity.”
‘Rodney Watson on Basketball’ is scheduled to air Nov. 3. All Screaming Eagles fans are welcome to join or listen. The show will air for 19 weeks on WYFX 106.7FM.