Most, if not all students, use the Blackboard site that professors use to post students’ grades, discussion boards, Panopto lectures and even some helpful hints for studying for the final.
I appreciate all of the work my professors put into Blackboard in order to help me succeed. Unfortunately, some students do not feel the same way.
Several students express concerns about professors not using Blackboard.
I had a Calculus professor last year that did not use Blackboard at all, which he blamed on not being very “tech savvy.” He never posted grades, so by the end of the semester, students were stressed about the final exam. Some wanted to know what grade was needed in order to boost their final grade up by a letter. He provided the information in class later, but having that information visible online would have much simpler.
My roommate had a professor last year that did nothing but post assignments. She told me that if students wanted to know what their grades were, they needed to either go to him during his office hours or email him.
Students check Blackboard on a daily basis. Professors unwilling to conform to the basics of Blackboard create a major roadblock for these students.
The professors who communicate and post notes, assignments, discussion boards, lectures, etc., give me a sense of success. These professors want me to succeed in every way possible.
The professors who feel Blackboard is not necessary create an appearance of negativity. The whole persona gives off the idea the professors do not have enough time in their schedule to set up Blackboard, are not great with technology or even just see Blackboard as a major hassle in their own personal time.
In high school, teachers were already registered for a website similar to Blackboard. They had to learn to adapt to the website in order to help the students succeed.
Why do educators at USI have to be different?
The university needs to make maintaing Blackboard a requirement for professors.
It would help promote the idea that USI is well-rounded in the classroom as well as online.