Sex in movies is typically defined by pop culture.
When we think about a lot of our movies, they are highly sexual in content yet confined to their limits of expressing sexuality.
Michael Glawogger decided to look at the sexuality of other cultures to see how it affects the lives of its people.
His acclaimed documentary, “Whores’ Glory,” which came out in 2011, examines prostitution in countries like Thailand and Bangladesh.
I think the film works on a number of levels.
First (and most important), Glawogger does not try to skew the information or approach the other cultures with a bias even an agenda.
He simply shows the way prostitution functions in the respective societies.
This allows the film to exist outside of a context.
Also, the film is laid out in a way that is both artistic and tasteful.
There was something very natural about it; even in the opening scenes that depict women in Thailand dancing on poles in a balcony overlooking a road of on looking men.
The accompanying music (or score, if you will) seemed both complimentary and appropriate for the film.
The way “Whores’ Glory” was filmed reminded me of a Sofia Coppola film in the way that “Lost in Translation” and “The Bling Ring” look superficial and (at times) glamorous.
But sex was never truly glamorized, as it is in our pop culture. The film actually leaves the viewer rather disheartened.
Like a Coppola film, there is more than meets the eye.
There is something raw and real underneath all the materialism of “Whores’ Glory.”