With the new year comes new resolutions. Even if we don’t write them down somewhere, we all have at least one goal that we want to accomplish by the end of the year. If you don’t, then that is a whole other story.
Each year, many of us make New Year’s Resolutions. Some of us lock them away in a secret folder on our laptops whereas others fearlessly post them on Facebook.
Resolutions become an annual tradition for people, but the tradition of breaking them tends to follow.
Why is it so hard for us to complete a goal that we made for ourselves? Even though we have a 12 month deadline, most resolutions we make are broken within the first few.
I have come up with three helpful tips on how to keep your promises to yourself this year.
Number one: make reasonable goals.
This simply means make your goals ones that you know that you can reach. There is nothing wrong with setting them to be a little challenging but going to extremes isn’t a good idea. If you set your goals too high, you are basically setting yourself up for failure. Make sure you know it’s something you can accomplish.
Number two: don’t overload yourself with goals.
Try and keep your resolutions to a minimum. There is no point in having a long list of goals. It will be troublesome and stressful trying to complete all of them. In addition, you run the risk of forgetting most of them, even the important ones. Make your goals simple and very straight to the point.
Number three: share your plans with others.
Let your family and friends know about your goals. Ask them to get involved with helping you cross off your list. If you are trying to get in shape this year, ask your friends to go to the gym with you. Find others with similar goals, that way they can get tackled together. Sharing your goals with others means that you will want to try harder and are less likely to let yourself down, and your peers too.
Go back through your list of resolutions and pick out the jokes and the ridiculous ones. Pick out the ones that you copied from your friends’ lists and tell someone about your plans. Make this year a better one with a better you.