David Enzler knows there aren’t many places on campus that can provide services like the Recreation, Fitness and Wellness Center (RFWC), and he wants it to stay that way, he said.
The Recreation, Fitness and Wellness Director said he is always looking for new ways to get people into the RFWC.
“The goal of the RFWC is to provide as many services as we can to students, and we are open to any recreation as long as it’s legal,” Enzler said. “We want to be a true recreation center, yet have different services that no other place provides.”
Enzler said the busiest times for the new lab are early in the morning and late at night because no other building on campus is open as often as the RFWC.
“I see students in here as early as 6 a.m. during weekdays, printing off papers before their classes start,” he said.

The addition to the RFWC made its debut in the upstairs track area of the building at the beginning of the Fall semester. Students may have seen it advertised on various posters around campus, by stickers on computers located in the RFWC and during the “Rock the Rec” event that occurred during Welcome Week.
“I heard there was a new computer lab there from a friend,” freshman Eric Mason said. “The easy access to printers and copiers is nice, and it’s also a secluded area to study in since not that many people are there when I am at the (RFWC). It’s convenient if you are short on time and need to work on homework right after working out.”
Austin Craig, a student worker in the new lab, said few students utilize it.
“Sometimes a few people come in, depending on the day,” he said. “People come in after weight lifting to do homework and other things.”
Students could also research different types of workouts without ever leaving the RFWC, Craig said.
But the lab isn’t completely finished yet.
Eight Apple computers will be installed in addition to the Windows-based ones that are already available. Besides the desktops in the lab, computers will soon be available on treadmills so individuals can workout and do school work at the same time.
Enzler said private study rooms could be another addition to the building in the future.