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The Shield

University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

USI student shares friends, family accounts of Boston explosion

Following two explosions at the Boston Marathon resulting in two deaths and a number of injuries, USI students react via social media.  

“While everyone around here is sending prayers on their Facebook, people I know are putting posts that they’re alright,” Vanessa David said.

The senior public relations and advertising major is from Shrewsbury, Mass., which is 40 miles west of Boston. She has family and friends in the area, including her best friend’s mom who was running in the marathon.

“She has been like a second mom to me since I was like 10,” she said.

David said her friend’s mom was nearing the finish line when the bombs went off and she was directed elsewhere. She was not injured.

“I immediately thought of her when I heard about it,” she said. “I’ve been trying to contact all of my friends who go to school in Boston.”

It’s hard for her to get in contact with the people she knows because cell phone service is down in the area.

She was able to reach one of her best friend’s who works at Stephanie’s (a restaurant) on famous Newbury St., which is a block from where the incident happened.

She said he told her when the bombs went off waiters dropped their aprons and ran to help.

“I go to that area all the time when I’m home,” David said. “I’m shocked. I can’t even put words to it.”

Copley Square, where the explosions happened, is home to Boston Public Library and a number of hotels.

It is also home to a park where a lot of locals hang out, David said. It is a heavily trafficked area.

Her dad works at Harvard University. When he heard news of the explosions, he headed home. As he drove away, he noticed a lot of vehicles headed toward the city.

David said of her friends in the city, everyone was trying to figure out what to do. Most who had the option ended up leaving.

“The worst part right now is that I want to be there; I want to help.” she said.

Two more bombs were deactivated before detonating.

 “It’s not over. There could be more. I have best friends there that I’ve known since I was nine and something could happen to them,” David said. “It hits very close to home and very close to my heart.”

About the Contributor
James Vaughn, Chief Copy Editor