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The Shield

University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

Looking for a scare?

If you’re looking to go to haunted houses this scaring season, you have several options.

Evansville has three haunted houses: The Old Courthouse Catacombs, The House of Lector and The Asylum. If you’re willing to venture out to Newburgh there also is the Zombie Farm. But what haunted houses are really worth your time and money?

The Asylum is a haunted house that is located off of Fulton Avenue and is the closet to campus.

On the inside of The Asylum there is actually another haunted house option called The Slaughter House.

The Asylum is set up like a dirty 1804 hospital and is full of patients that have been mangled and tortured. The Slaughter House is a slaughter house that is filled with horror film favorites like Jason, Pinhead and Freddy Krueger. The scare factor in each of these houses is pretty high.

I came out of each of them pretty frightened but not scared to death. The benefit of that is you’re paying $12 to go through the haunted house and you’re going to get scared but not scared enough that you have to leave and waste your money. It’s more of an entertaining scare, you’re going to be surprised and frightened, but you’re going to have fun, too. If you’re only on planning on going to one The Slaughter House is the scariest out of the two, but they are both good choices.

The Asylum also runs a special, if you pay $20 you can go through both haunted houses as many times as you want in that night. If you want to go through individual houses they cost $12 each. For more information on times and dates visit there Facebook page The Evansville Asylum Haunted House.

The Old Courthouse Catacombs and The House of Lector, both located downtown, are haunted houses owned and operated Phil Wolter. Wolter has come up with a theme called Infamous Monsters for both of his houses and has said it is a culmination of the best characters and scenes he’s done over the past 31 years.

Something interesting about both haunted houses is that there is paranormal activity in the buildings, according to their website.

In The Catacombs, you’ll walk through the basement of the old courthouse which is set up like, well, old catacombs.

I didn’t find this haunted house scary. There were moments of suspense that made me jump, but at points they had some Pink Floyd playing that took me out of the mood of being scared.

The House of Lector, two blocks away from The Catacombs, is in a two or three story building. In this house you will go up through the building and walk into scenes.

Like The Catacombs, I didn’t find this one very scary. I would walk into a scene and people would walk at me, to me it’s scary to come from behind than up front. I will admit I was startled at times, but overall I was kind of bored and was waiting for something big to happen.

Out of the two I would say The Catacombs is your best choice if you’re going to one of them.

The cost to go in each of these individually is $12 or you can go through them both as many times as you want for $20. For more information on times and dates visit

Zombie Farm is a bit different from the other haunted houses. Run by the Newburgh Junior Civitan group, high school kids, it really doesn’t sound intimidating at first. But, it’s something that surprised me.

This house is both indoor and outdoor and combines many of people’s phobias in it.

When small clowns were popping out in every direction I cringed a little. There is a lot of suspense that is built into the haunted house, and it’s what makes it so scary. You’ll walk through a path where nothing happens and next thing you know people are popping out of nowhere.

Since its mostly run by kids you won’t have the larger than life guys here that make some haunted house so scary, so that is one downside to this place.

The bad part about this haunted house is the distance from campus. It is cheaply priced at $10, but the gas that it takes to get there may not make it worth it. For more information on times and dates visit