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The Shield

University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

Students react to Obama re-election

From Obamacare to the job market, USI students are split on their thoughts about President Barack Obama’s re-election.

College Republicans President Tyler Fitzsimmons said he thinks Obama’s re-election was a mistake.

“Looking back on the past four years, the next four look even worse with Obama in office,” Fitzsimmons said. “I truly hope Obama proves me wrong and gets the nation back on track, but I don’t see it right now.”

He said because the election between Romney and Obama was so close, with Obama leading with almost 59.6 million in the popular vote compared to Romney’s almost 57 million, there will be a lot of “unrest” for awhile.

“I mean, with so many people so passionate in this election, I hope civility will not be an issue,” he said. “Both campaigns had some poor advertisements. I do think (the election) does show a decisive split though all over America.”

He said he thinks Obama’s reelection will hit college students hard.

“With the high unemployment, the president is not creating the jobs needed for graduating students,” he said. “Also, in his healthcare bill, Obama puts student loans in the government’s hands and out of the private sectors. This will increase loan rates by decreasing competitiveness in the banking sector.”

Pre-nursing major Adam Schaaf said he disagrees.

“I think President Obama being re-elected is a step forward for our country,” he said.  “I remember clearly the jobs reports of the final months of George Bush’s presidency, indicating jobs losses in the hundreds of thousands per month. Also important to me is his assertion of marriage equality.”

He said he voted for Obama because he embodied “hope” and the “American dream” while Romney was out of touch with the American people.

“Governor Romney seemed a tad out of touch with everyday Americans, … specifically hardworking Evansvillians,” he said.

He said he thinks it’s important for young people to get more involved in politics.

“I just want to add how imperative it is for our students to be involved,” Schaaf said.  “Young people need to be aware just how vital it is we be involved in the process. We have a voice and it needs to be heard. There is more to life than who Snooki is dating or what boys in One Direction have had their feelings hurt.”

Senior marketing major Steven Waltz said he is surprised the American people voted to give Obama a second term.

“I think it’s surprising that after four years of an Obama presidency and seeing what his vision for the country is, we still decided to elect him,” Waltz said.

He said he thinks Obama has caused division and hostility between Americans.

“He’s one of the most divisive presidents that we’ve ever had, which I believe is destructive to the country,” he said.

He said one of the most destructive of Obama’s policies is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.

“Obamacare is not good, and is going to be a huge tax increase for everyone including the middle class, whom he has sworn to protect both in this campaign and in the 2008 campaign,” he said. “I believe the next four years are going to prove to be a challenge for our country and that we will become even more divided now. I’m already counting down to November 2016.”

Sophomore Cole Raney said Obama’s election will definitely help college students.

“I think (his re-election) will help college students not only in paying for college, but for getting a job,” Raney said. “Under Obama the unemployment rate has been dropping for 32 consecutive months, increasing the chances of getting a job after college. Plus, the reforms in student loans that Obama started will remain there.”

Obama signed a law that will let loan borrowers pay no more than 10 percent of their disposable income on student loans, starting in 2014.

Raney said he didn’t vote for Romney because he flip–flopped.

“It didn’t seem like he could stay on one side of an issue,” he said. “That in itself made me not want to vote for him. If he can’t make up his mind on a position, I can’t judge whether or not I would like to have him as president.”