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The Shield

University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

To quit or not to quit

School is in full swing again. Everyone starts into their old routines and habits. But smoking on campus is one habit that will need to be tweaked.


For smokers, the car may be their favorite place between classes because students, faculty and visitors at USI are only permitted to smoke in their personal vehicles.

Sophomore undecided major Zach Garett has smoked for five years smoking an average of a pack a day.

“I kind of agree to a certain extent (with the policy),” Garrett said.”People don’t want to walk into a cloud of smoke before going to their class. But since I live in the apartments I can’t drive my car on to campus till after three. So what are we supposed to do?”

Students are allowed to smoke near the residence halls as long as they are not near non-smokers.

In the apartment area, residents can smoke as long as they are away from buildings and do not smoke inside. Sophomore history education maojr JoJo Kenny has smoked for eight years, smoking one to two packs a day. He said he believes the new smoking policy is ridiculous.

“We spent all this money to become a tobacco-free campus when we could have used that money for more parking or more housing,” Kenny said. “We don’t have enough of either of those.”

According to the USI-tobacco-free website, the tobacco-free policy intends to create a smoke-free environment in which students can learn in a healthy setting.

“I believe if they had designated smoking zones on campus it would be the best of both worlds,” Kenny said. “We would be out of each other’s hair.”

It is up to the USI community to enforce this policy and hold each other accountable.

“I don’t think as many people wanted this policy as they think and I don’t think many people are really going to enforce it,” junior physical education major Austin Tri said. “I don’t think it’s going to work.”

Tri smokes a pack a day.

For people like sophomore psychology major Shelbi Moore who don’t smoke, this policy will be an easy transition.

“It’s nice not walking through a big cloud of smoke to get to class, but I think there should be a designated smoking zone,” Moore said.

For people like, Garett, who use smoking as a stress reliever, campus life may be more stressful than usual.

“I feel like I’m smoking a hell of a lot more now that I can’t smoke on campus,” Garett said.

He said he feels he smokes more when he returns home due to stress.

Garett said the University should make the smoking policy equally fair for both parties.