The Student Government Association (SGA) is striving to increase its visibility among the USI populace. If anybody has suggestions on how to better do that, we are fully open to any new ideas.
The Mission Statement reads “The Student Government Association of the University of Southern Indiana is committed to serving as the voice of the students while building and maintaining partnerships. We will strive to link students, faculty, administrators and the community in a way that will improve education and campus life. We will remain accountable, motivated, decisive, and open minded in these endeavors.”
The assertion that SGA is not transparent is utterly preposterous. All of our meetings are open to the public. I gladly encourage more students to attend and participate in the political process. The minutes of our meetings are posted on our website. Also, we record our meetings so more students can stay up to date on what is occurring at their university.
Students have a chance to vote for their representatives in SGA during a general election that occurs every spring. An email was sent to every registered student’s MyUSI account. It is the individual’s choice to vote in the election. Only 9.1% of students chose to vote in 2011 SGA election and that percentage is consistent among most universities.
The elected officials can accurately represent the student body because they are passionate about improving USI for all students and they were elected by the majority of students that cast a vote in the election.
SGA hosts numerous events throughout the year. They include:
- The Eagle Athletic Support Committee, RedZone, which sponsors various activities at athletic events and conducts Midnight Madness to start the basketball season.
- National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week in October with four events to promote responsibility including the new Drunk Driving Simulation Event out at the quad.
- Successfully plans and executes five academic college town halls this year. SGA held its annual event Speak-Out, which is an open forum featuring a panel of USI college deans who answered students’ questions and concerns.
- SGA gave out $45,000 to individual students to travel for conferences with the Foundation Travel Grants and gave numerous student organizations funds to plan campus activities and events through the Student Organization Support Grants.
- Sponsors Safety and Crime Prevention Week with several events including “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes.”
SGA is working to improve its image and visibility on campus. We are here because of the students, so we work for the students. I encourage more students to come speak with us regarding issues that are affecting them. Our office is located in UC East 0256 or you can email me directly at [email protected] and receive a direct response.
As President of SGA, my platform and initiatives will be well known and over the course of my term, they will be fulfilled. I will keep the student body updated on our activities. SGA presents a strong presence to the administration and we do improve education and campus life.
Jordan M. Whitledge
Student Government Association
University of Southern Indiana