While the purpose of journalism is to remain objective and unbiased, it is also to inform, and it is also a tradition for publications to endorse a particular candidate for particular reasons.
As such, the editorial staff of The Shield feels the democratic candidate for U.S. Senate Brad Ellsworth is the best choice for the community and the state. With this said, it is our duty to provide information explaining why Ellsworth is the best choice.
The endorsement decision was not necessarily determined by the Blue Dog Democrat’s political philosophies, but rather it hinged on his qualifications.
The USI graduate has been a representative for the local community for years, whether it be his 20 plus years as Vanderburgh County Sheriff or a two-term member of the House of Representatives.
While this should not automatically qualify him for endorsement, when compared to his Republican opponent Dan Coats’ record of local involvement, or lack thereof, does help with perspective.
Coats has lived in Indiana in name only for the last 12 years, he has been a registered voter of Virginia since he left Congress in 1998. On top of that, instead of representing the views of any constituents of Indiana, he has been working as a federally registered lobbyist at Capitol Hill on behalf of such cliental as Bank of America and Lockheed Martin.
Also, we feel it’s important to note that Ellsworth is the only one with an obvious plan laid out for education.Coats’ lack on education is a concern for The Shield, as well as it should be to our readers.
While we welcome disputing opinions, we also felt it our duty to inform our readers of our recommendation as students, as journalists and as citizens. The endorsement of Ellsworth is the manifestation of this recommendation.
We endorse Brad Ellsworth for U.S. Senator.
Brad Ellsworth, the right choice
November 2, 2010
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