Involvement Fair allows students to all come together
The Student Involvement Fair at USI allows all clubs and organizations on campus, old and new, and of all varieties, to come together and show every student that there is something out there for them to become involved in. This semester’s Involvement Fair was the attraction of the week with numerous students trying to find their niche.
I couldn’t visit every table that made an appearance at the fair, but the few that I did have the chance to go to make my time at the Involvement Fair worthwhile.
The first stop I made was at the Southern Indiana Dance Marathon table, a club I’m currently involved in and encourage everyone to be a part of. Raising money for awareness and for the children at Riley Hospital for Children, SIDM combines having fun with helping those who have yet to experience anything outside of a hospital. While being involved in this club allows you to help those in need, you’re also growing as an individual and learning things about yourself you weren’t aware of.
A new club I had the pleasure to learn about and the opportunity to inform others of is the Disability Coalition. The DC is a new club on campus that focuses on educating others on the do’s and don’ts for those with disabilities and do not forget those with disabilities when thinking of “diversity.”
People who have a disability are just as human as everyone else, which is why this club is fighting for their recognition and normalization. Anyone can join this club and help it grow and prosper into something beautiful.
Although science is isn’t my strong suit, I know for some of you, it’s at the top of your “favorite subjects” list. The American Chemical Society (ACS) is a nationally recognized club that emphasizes caring for the environment and educating children on the wonders and fun of science, which are only a few of the things ACS does. This club is also one you can volunteer for, which is another plus alongside learning for yourself and teaching the youth.
Another club aiding in the recognition for diversity is the Black Student Union. The BSU’s main goal is to bring awareness to minority groups, both on campus and off. The two gentlemen who informed me about this club seemed passionate for what they’re fighting for, which ultimately intrigued me and encouraged me to want to bring about awareness as well.
While the clubs I mentioned are only a pinch of the handful of clubs that participated in the Involvement Fair, each table that was hyping up their organization and acquiring new members held loads of passion, spirit and generosity, only a few traits that help form the foundation of USI itself.
If you couldn’t make it to either of the Involvement Fairs during the fall or spring semester, don’t fret. It’s never too late to join any of the amazing and supportive clubs at USI. And if for some reason it is, well, good luck Charlie.