Play pulls the heart strings

Cast members lift Isabelle Rogers, who played Judy, during rehearsal for “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time”
My one complaint about “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” is that tissues should have been offered to everyone upon walking in.
Needless to say, I cried pretty much the entire time. Not pretty crying either. The kind of crying where you’re trying to subtly wipe the snot and hope that the room is dark enough to hide your constant blubbering.
I guess the best place to start is by giving out some recognition where it is deserved. Nate Jenkins, you were phenomenal. You were stunningly believable and I appreciated your compete abandon of yourself to become Christopher.
Otto Mullins and Isabelle Rogers, good grief, you could have given my emotions a break. But no, you must tear my poor heart to shreds with your gut-wrenching display of broken families and complicated emotions.
Otto Mullins, Ed broke my heart. His love for Christopher was so obvious, and you perfectly displayed the love that tries so hard with the best intentions, but fails anyway.
Isabelle Rogers, Judy was perfect. Perfect. She was the best mix of an exasperated mother trying to figure out her own complicated emotions while also trying to sort through the complicated emotions of her son.
Oh, and the accents. Everyone, good work. Accents are hard, and you all pulled them off so well. Zoie Hunter, I know you had to change accents like 50 billion times and you made each one distinct and perfect. Your ATM bit was hilarious. Bravo.
Personally, I’m a sucker for the complicated family stories. I’m a writer, so what can you really expect? But what I appreciated so much about this show was there wasn’t that easy cop out of good guy vs. bad guy.
Everyone in the show did what they did because they genuinely thought they were doing the right thing, and nobody really wanted to hurt anyone else. And I think that is what was so beautiful about this story because it wasn’t cheapened by trying to make it more easily understood.
It let us empathize and understand each character and realize that the line between who is good and who is bad is blurred in never-ending shades of grey, and sometimes we can’t really understand everything.
It let us see into the mind of a growing adolescent who is just trying to figure out who he is in a world that does a poor job of understanding him. And I hope by the end of it, we all walked away with a little more empathy for people.