Why the recreation center has great opportunities

Some people’s childhoods were filled with Disney movies that depicted plucky, young athletes who played team sports like basketball or football. They seemed to make the game fun and exciting.

My aspirations to be like these people always started out with practicing and dreaming of joining a team to have friends like the child stars in the movies, yet these dreams never panned out because my skills never developed. Yet, team sports are more enjoyable when there is no pressure to excel and reveal to us who we are as people.

This can be seen when one walks down the steps to the lower half of the Recreation, Wellness and Fitness Center, or the Rec.

Here, one will see students playing basketball, volleyball and even pickleball. Some of the people playing here seem serious with stern faces focused on winning. But there are mostly students having fun with each other and building relationships.

Sounds of laughter can be heard at each court. I have experienced this feeling of being a part of a group, even if I was the worst one there.

Small things like bumping hands after a shot has been made or trash talking the other team helps create an atmosphere of belonging which many people look for. It is very easy to feel lost in this world. When we are brought together, the indifference and the distance can be removed.

True characteristics are also revealed on the court. If one really wants to see how someone reacts to losses or what lengths they will go to get what they want, throw them into a game where they must rely on another person to succeed. I have found the best and worst parts of myself in a game.

The revealing characteristics of team sports and the pure action of them can be intimidating to someone who has always been told they are more of an artistic person. Yet, they should not allow themselves to be boxed in by what has been spoken over them. Join an intramural team or a pick-up game and find people who support you while you also find yourself.