At USI we are lucky to have 15 NCAA recognized varsity sports.
However, most students are unaware the university has them.
It is fairly common for most students to only recognize the big three: foot- ball, basketball and base- ball.
Throughout the NCAA the big “TV sports” gar- ner all the attention, while everyone else gets what’s leftover.
That isn’t right.
While university basketball and baseball teams have grabbed recent head- lines winning both GLVC and National Champion- ships, they are not alone.
The men’s and women’s track and cross country teams have earned seven individual national championships since 1997.
The cross country teams are on the fast track for more championships with both teams ranked in the top 15 in the nation.
The volleyball team is 8-2 early in the season and
gave their two ranked opponents trouble.
Senior middle blocker Abbey Winter already won GLVC volleyball player of the week and fellow senior Erica Oberbroeckling will lobby for GLVC honors herself.
The women’s golf team took first place out of 12 teams in the Screaming Eagles Golf Classic last weekend. Their performance earned them a sixth place ranking of eastern teams.
The men’s soccer team began the season strong going 3-0. Since then they have dropped their last two games, both by a goal.
The women’s soccer team is 3-1-1 (W-L-T). Thus far they have played in four matches that have gone into overtime.
Now you are caught up on fall sports.
Go out, watch a match or meet. They are entertaining and hell, you pay nothing. What do you have to lose?