University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

University of Southern Indiana's student publication | USI | student newspaper

The Shield

Jessie-ism: What are fax machines?

This is the beginning of my new column, endearingly titled “Jessie-isms.” The Shield’s sports editor adopted this term for my tweets. He says most of them are only something I could say. So, out of the usual joking around that happens in the office, we decided I should take one tweet of the several thousands (exaggeration) I send out a week. So, here it goes.

“@jessiehellmann: I just faxed something, guys. #21stcenturyaccomplishments”

Let me give you a little bit of a background. As I’m soon to be unleashed from this education institution with a diploma that somehow says I’m qualified for a job, I’m searching for employment and combing through lots and lots of job postings. I’ve been swimming in copies of my resumes, article clippings, cover letters, pictures of myself – anything a potential employer could look at to determine whether or not I’m worthy to work for their media outlet.

Different newspapers require different materials sent to them in different ways. The other day I was asked to fax a resume. I repeat, fax a resume.

What? Fax machines still exist? After a nearly 30 minute battle with a fax machine that involved the ancient devise emitting concerning and potentially abnormal noises, I finally had my resume faxed to the potential employer. Then I stared at the fax machine dumbfounded. First of all, how do these things work? One of my fellow Shieldsters asked if that same piece of paper was being sent to D.C., somehow flying through airwaves.

Secondly, how am I supposed to know they received my resume? There’s no handy Facebook notification that tells me when people have read the message.

Call me a privileged millennial, (actually, please don’t), but shouldn’t employers who are supposed to be embracing technology to better attract consumers use that same technology to attract employees?

No, I don’t want to fax you my resume or print out pounds of paper and send it across the country. Email is so easy. I don’t see how more people aren’t taking advantage of it. Not only is it more environmentally friendly, it’s simply more convenient for everyone involved. So let’s give a final ode to the fax machine, which once served a purpose, before we switch to the 21st century.