Sarah Krampe is the lone canidate running for Student Government Association’s (SGA) president for the upcoming year.
The marketing and finance double major sophomore works as a student worker in the marketing communication area.
“She’s very bright, well spoken,” said Todd Wilson, assistant vice president for marketing communications. “I didn’t realize she was only a sophomore. She really knows USI well, and especially as incoming sophomore, I was really impressed. She really got to know this place and got involved very quickly.”
Krampe helped with USI’s RecycleMania, a project where campuses across the nation encourage recycling which ends April 2.
“She became an overnight expert on recycling,” Wilson said.
In the marketing communications, Krampe does everything from helping put together news releases or monitor news hits, Wilson said.
“Some people in this area are from the journalism, writing- the communications side,” Wilson said. “She comes at it from the business and marketing perspective. For me, that’s a good different perspective to have.”
Wilson said he knows SGA presidents have a lot to handle, and if Sarah does become USI’s SGA president, he understands if she does not work with the marketing communcations area as much.
If Krampe does take time off, she is welcome back the following year, Wilson said.
“I know she will be a strong advocate for students,” Wilson said. “She has a great energy drive and is very thoughtful.”
Junior marketing major Chelsea Schmidt said Krampe is always the positive person while working in a group.
“Whenever the group is down, she is the first one to bring everyone up and encourages different ideas,” Schmidt said.
Schmidt met Krampe in SGA last year. Now they work together in the Marketing Club as well as with the Anchor Ideation Challenge last semester.
“This was my first time doing the Ideation, but Sarah did this last year as well,” Schmidt said.
Schmidt and Krampe were part of the team that won this year’s challenge. Krampe’s team won the previous year’s challenege, too.
Schmidt plans to be external affairs administrative vice president (AVP), Krampe’s current SGA position, and hopes to continue to work with Krampe with the Business College, Schmidt said.
Krampe plans to keep the visibiltiy of USI in mind, Schmidt said.
“(Krampe) wants to change things for the better,” Schmidt said. “She is far beyond her years in maturity, but I feel her presence is far important than her age.”
Krampe said she feels connected toward students because everyone is here to gain an education.
“School has, and always will be, my number one priority, a feeling that I share with a lot of students,” Krampe said.
She said because the way the business college curriculum is set up she has not had much exposure to finance so far, but she loves marketing.
“There’s a lot to do with marketing… advertising, sales…I don’t think I’m feisty enough for sales,” Krampe said with a laugh. “Coming out of college, I just want to get a job, hopefully with a company that I like. I’m really keeping my options open on terms of what I want to do.”
Krampe is more of a science math kind of girl, she said.
“You know, I’m not a fan of reading to be completely honest,” Krampe said. “I’m not a very avid reader, it’s not something I make much time for. Numbers are my friend, I was always into math and science in high school.”
She is the current Marketing Club president, SGA’s external affairs AVP, Gamma Phi Beta sister and part of the Core Curriculum Task Force, which modified the core for incoming freshman.
“What do people do for fun?”Krampe said. “Honestly, I’m a real low-key person. I’m not the kind of person who likes to do much of anything. “
For a relaxing night, Krampe said eating dinner at one of her favorite places and going home to watch a movie is ideal for her.
Despite her busy schedule and numerous organizations she is involved with, she finds time to exercise.
“I just made it part of my routine to go every day during the week,” Krampe said. “It’s a really good habit to get into, but it’s a good stress reliever for me. When there’s a lot going on, it’s a good time to make time for myself and work out that stress.”
Krampe’s favorite part of USI is how well the teachers and students can interact.
“I know my teachers,” Krampe said. “They say hi to me in the hallways, and a lot people say things like that, but to me that is a valuable.
Krampe said she does not think bigger schools would allow this much involvement, especially with freshman.
“I really, really enjoyed not only being a part of the organization (SGA) but being a member of the USI community,” Krampe said. “I knew within a month of coming onto campus that I had made the best decision in that I had made probably in my entire life and I felt that was just the best feeling. I want other people to have that experience that experience and that pride that I have for USI.”