It is wonderful to be ablee to spend money on a fun Halloween costume. However, most of us can’t fathom spending 40+ dollars on a poorly made synthetic costume we’ll wear once of and discard.
There are many fun, creative costumes you can assemble with items found in your own household!
All you need are a few items.
1. A head band 2. String. 3. black pants and a black shirt4. A white trashbag5. Tape and scissors6. A sharpie7. A cell phone. 8. A leaf9. White trash bag
1. The Leaf Bloweritem’s you’ll need:
– headband-tape-string-scissors
Tie a string with a leaf attached to a headband, make sure the leaf falls in front of the face. When people ask you what you are blow and say “A leaf blower!” To go all out with this costume, wear a brown shirt and tape other leaves (alive or fake) to your shirt to resemble a pile of leaves.
(Opinion Editor, Logan Hursh, blows leaves)
2. Center of the universe.What you need:-black pants and a black shirt-scissors-tape-yellow paper
Using the yellow paper, cut out shapes of stars and planets and tape them to your all black outfit. Now, you’re the center of the universe. Bonus: if you don’t care much about the black shirt you’re wearing empty the contents of a glow stick on your shirt to create a glowing effect.
(Visual Editor, Jimmy Pyles, loving being the center of the Universe)
3. White trash What you need: -a white trash bag-scissors
Cut out a neck hole and arm holes from a white trash bag for a very literal white trash kind of look. If you want to go further with this one tape napkins (clean) and other trash like items to the outside of the trashbag to make you look even trashier.
(Our Copy Editor, Shannon Hall, is white trash!)
4. A Nudist on StrikeWhat you need: -Cardboard-a sharpie
Simply write nudist on strike and carry it around. To make this even more legitimate, create your own picket.
(The Editor in Cheif, Justin Law, is on strike!!)
5. The Bootycall What you need:
-A cell phone-tape
Tape a cell phone near your rear end (or if you have a flip phone leave the front flip sticking out of your back pocket.) Congratulations, you’ve just become a booty call.
(Staff writer, Roberto Campos likes being a booty call)