USI’s Counseling Center has organized workshops and programs this semester in an attempt to create a more open and diverse campus community.
The Counseling Center in partnership with USI’s Spectrum club held a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) suicide prevention workshop Sept. 29 in the UC.
The workshop’s main goal was to raise awareness about the LGBT community’s risk for suicide and general suicide prevention.
“Suicide is the second leading cause of death for college students,” staff counselor Stephanie Cunningham said.
A LGBT student who has no support is eight times more likely to commit suicide, Cunningham said.
The Counseling Center will also be sponsoring National Coming Out Day on Oct. 12. Name tag stickers will be available for students to fill out and wear identifying their sexual orientation or their support for friends.
“Even if you are not personally gay, it could say ‘I’m a supporter,’” Cunningham said. “You can make it more hospitable for those who are coming out.”
Stickers will be available under the UC bridge, the Counseling Center, Multicultural Center and Recreation, Fitness, and Wellness Center front desk on National Coming Out Day.
They will also be sponsoring an upcoming event that will be a presentation on partner violence in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender relationships at 9:30 p.m. Nov. 1 and 3 in the Rice Library.
The goal of the event sponsored by the Counseling Center and co-sponsored by spectrum will be to create awareness about partner violence.
“I think one of the things, sort of the dark side, is the interpersonal relationship needs to be addressed and a lot of times even the language of domestic violence,” Spectrum adviser Stephanie Young said. “A lot of people get the image of a heterosexual relationship, usually violence as a man against a woman and so one of the things we need to do is address that it’s unfortunately also part of the LGBT community.”
Movies are another way the Counseling Center and Spectrum are hoping to reach out to the LGBT on-campus community this semester.
“But I’m A Cheerleader” was shown and discussed on Oct. 4 and “Transgeneration” will be shown 6 pm. Nov. 16 in Forum II.
Spectrum club meets at 9 p.m. every other Tuesday in the Rice Library.