Oct. 15 the Friday Night Fun program at USI presented C.O.O.L Collab, a musical performance put on by students, for students.
Karen Huseman, the Area Coordinator at USI, describes Friday Night fun as “programs and events held on Friday nights at the Community Center to provide USI students and on-campus residents a place to go with something to do on the weekend.”
The event C.O.O.L Collab, which is abbreviated for Creating Our Own Limits, was composed of performers featuring: Lawrnetta $tack$, Daye, Ronnie, Trell Folks, Bishop, TeeC and Cool Kid. All of the performers are current USI students who banded together to put on a show to showcase their talents.
They all came together because Lawrnette Stacker (stage name Lawrnetta $tack$) was asked to perform a show and if she knew anyone else who might be interested in performing as well. The performances were cleverly written rap songs which got the audience rallied up and away from the snack table.
However, the performances were as eclectic and impressive as the audience that showed up. Changing things up , the night switched gears quickly to keep from becoming routine transitioning from rap to soulful, powerful electric guitars and goose bump inducing vocals.
“The performances were entertaining. It was good to see all of the support and all of the love out there,” performer Day-Ell Foster, a junior psychology major, said. “That was what it was all really about, sharing what we do with the people we love.”
“This isn’t the kind of thing I’m used to going to, but it’s really cool to see people I know do what they love and be exposed to new things.” freshman Gwen Gude said.
Despite the cold temperature outside, C.O.O.L Collab was definitely a success with performers who posses a talent in their craft. Each of the performers carried a strong presence on stage and an even stronger passion for what they do.
“The best part was getting the crowd going. I think that next time though, I’d like to put a little more into planning the event,” Stacker said.
Overall, students seemed to really enjoy the evening, watching friends and family perform and eat provided snacks.
“I really hope USI puts on more events like this, I had a really good time,” freshman Junior Christian said.