The role of a newspaper in a community is to inform the public.
The Shield ran an article in the Oct. 6 issue titled “Sex offender to speak on campus.” We ran this article because it is our job to inform you, as students of this university, of issues that can affect you. In this case we presented facts, and the information is also available with a Google search. The sex offender listing is the fourth link down. There were multiple differing opinions represented in the article.
We, here at The Shield, do not believe the article was biased. We feel it would have been biased to overlook the matter, rather than bring it to your attention and would have been a great disservice to the community. It was not our intention to tarnish the reputations of those involved in the article.
The Shield is not a newsletter, and it is not our job to make the university look good. If a member of the university does something good that deserves recognition, we cover it just as if we would if someone did something bad that deserved recognition.
We are here strictly to inform the student body. For students. By students.