As a junior, I remember that by the end of October, I was usually burnt out on going to class every day.
Never having a break from homework, even on the weekends, can eventually raise stress levels to new heights, making Fall Break a welcome reprieve. At least it would be, if I still did not have to come in and study for my major.As a science major, and more specifically, a geology major, I often have to put extra time into my curriculum. Generally, this involves coming into a laboratory to look at the actual geology that I am studying.
Currently, I am in a class called mineralogy, which, as the name implies, is the study of minerals.
Unfortunately, I have a mineral identification quiz and a lecture exam the day after break ends. There is no possible way to study the minerals that I have to know for a mineral identification quiz without actually holding and studying the minerals in the laboratory.
It is nearly impossible to gather samples of cessurite, or whatever other oddly-named mineral I could possibly be quizzed on. Therefore, it is imperative that I go into the lab over break to study. This defeats the point of having a fall break if I have to go into the lab to study during mentioned break.
Essentially, I have the weekend off, and Monday if I am lucky. Tuesday of Fall Break will definitely be spent in the lab, staring at minerals until my eyes go cross. Back in high school, studying over a break might have annoyed me. In college, however, I realize that I am only going to get out whatever I put into my education.
So, while it is unfortunate that my break will be cut short, and I will have to study while other people are off relaxing, I realize that I will be better off because of it. A passing grade is better than a failing grade any day. Of course, I will enjoy my days off for I would definitely rather have a break than no break at all.
I cannot be mad for having to study over break either because I signed up for it whenever I became a geology major. I figure that I could be annoyed and be in a bad mood all day, or I can just accept my situation in life and make the best of it.
Considering that I do not like to be in a bad mood, I will just have to accept the fact that minerals are awesome, and I am more awesome for being a responsible student.