New Year’s resolutions are popular this time year and while they are also largely broken, I think there is some validity to them. With a new year comes a fresh start. It is a convenient marker to begin changing those things that you don’t like about yourself and probably the most important thing that comes from an accomplished New Year’s resolution is the feeling of self worth in the end.
The start of a new year is the perfect time to make a resolution. It gives you a great chunk of time to accomplish your goal, and you don’t have to kill yourself to do it. This, in particular, is very helpful with resolutions that take time to change, like quitting smoking. There are always those lucky people that are able to just stop and never pick up another cigarette again, but for the general population the road to a life without the death sticks is filled with bitter mood swings, constant cravings and the occasional relapse. However, with the prospect of having a whole year to quit, it hopefully makes the journey a little less daunting.
One of the hardest things about New Year’s resolutions is keeping yourself from breaking them. You go back to work and life picks up right where you left it before all those New Year’s parties you attended. Slipping back into old habits is simple, and by the time you realize what you’ve done, that “fire” and passion that inspired you to change in the first place is gone. Try to get others to help you along the way. Having other people to hold you accountable can be very useful. Trust me, others will enjoy the chance to point out the mistake you’re making. If possible, don’t go it alone. Finding a person to make the resolution with you is always a helpful tool. That someone knows exactly what you’re going through and can keep you on track when things get rough and praise you when things go better than expected.
Perhaps the most important thing that comes from accomplishing a New Year’s resolution is that feeling of self worth in the end. Many people give up on their resolutions, and you are one of the few that saw it through to the end. You changed because you wanted to and that is something to be proud of. So don’t just brush the idea of a New Year’s resolution aside. It could have very positive benefits for you in the end.