Sound asleep at 7:57 a.m. The siren goes off around 8:00 a.m.
Power flashes off and on and then goes off completely around 8:15.
I could only think about two things Tuesday morning: one, if the power is off in the apartments, do I have to go to class? Two, if the siren is going off do I have to go to class? These questions should be answered or cleared up by RAVE emergency alert system.
Say you are a hard sleeper and you sleep through all this commotion, thunder, sirens, people looking outside to see what happened and your alarm, should that be a good reason to miss class?
If you are awake and miss class, then that just means you were smart enough to stay inside during possible harmful weather.
When the power in some buildings, like my building, has been off for an hour it makes getting ready for school tough. I’m a guy and I had problems with this. Think about all the girls on campus getting ready in the dark.
We will have a bunch of girls in clown make up walking around campus.
It’s not that I’m lazy and don’t want to go to class. I am probably not the only one asking these questions.
If the siren is going off do they still want 10,000 students walking around campus in possible tornado conditions? Who am I supposed to call when I want information regarding severe weather and how to prepare for it here on campus?
I can see it now: students walking to class with a tornado warning in effect. All of a sudden a tornado strikes and the cone goes flying off like a missile, with student after student getting sucked up into the tornado, maybe even a few teachers.
Later, reports come in of finding the cone in Mt Vernon. All theses “lives” could have been saved with a single text message from RAVE, a simple message explaining what was going on.
After all of this, I know one thing for sure: that if my power doesn’t get turned on and my milk goes bad, the University owes me some milk.
Who you gonna call?
November 2, 2010
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