Every other year, we go through a circus commonly known as voting. Absentee voting, trying to go to the home poles or finding where the nearest one is, are some of the headaches that come with voting.
But these are still less annoying than the people who go around campus, hounding us to find out if we are registered to vote.
These people are more persistent than the guys who pass out the little Bibles on campus a few times each semester.
I remember two years ago, during the presidential election, I couldn’t walk 10 feet on campus without being asked “Are you registered to vote?”
I even had one follow me from the UC to the Liberal Arts center when I didn’t answer him.
It drove me crazy.
After the third day of this, I was ready to go hide under a rock until it all went away, election and all.
It annoyed me so much that I developed new roundabout routes to avoid these election go getters. I’d tread very lightly and the moment I saw one, I was off like a startled deer. This paranoia caused me not to vote.
I got election overload and just gave up.
I know that they just want everyone to be informed and ready to cast their vote, but the endless hounding on campus is too much. It actually does more harm than good to endlessly barrage us with messages about voting. I know I wasn’t the only one who didn’t vote just because of the persistence of the people with the clipboards and other such reminders.
My message to the politically enthusiastic is to lay off a bit.
We know all about elections happening at this time of the year. With the messages we get on TV, radio and even in the mail. We really don’t need the reminders on campus, too.
So far, I haven’t seen those menacing clipboards yet. Maybe they learned their lesson from the last election, or they don’t care as much since this isn’t a presidential election.
But the moment I see one, I’ll be looking for a nice rock to hide under.