Photo by Anthony Rawley
Vehicles park in Lot C. Students have expressed concerns regarding campus parking availability.
Students have expressed issues with parking availability on campus.
Due to cold and rainy conditions, several students have voiced difficulties in finding available parking spots.
Tori Deig, senior public relations and advertising major, said she is not able to find a close spot to park.
“It sucks when you have to park far away and walk to class,” Deig said. “I’m not able to find a close spot, especially now when it’s cold or if it’s raining like the other day. It sucked.”
Deig said students could move their cars to the nearest parking lot of the building they have class in to offer spaces for others.
“If someone’s not close to a building, they’re parking in the small LA parking lot down there, and if they’re on the Rice Library side or just different parts of campus, maybe they can move their car,” Deig said. “I know that might be a hassle for them, but I don’t think there’s much we can do except get over it if it’s cold or if it’s hot.”

Kayla Keating, sophomore business major, said some people do not know how to park, and some of the parking is far away.
“Sometimes, since I work like 20 minutes away, when I’d come home from work, it’d be hard for me to find parking because I live on campus, especially if it’s like cold or raining,” Keating said. “It kind of sucks. But other than that, it’s not bad.”
Students have given some ideas for improving parking availability on campus.
Keating said she would like to see more parking areas on campus.

Mia Tennell, sophomore nursing major, said she parks in the parking lot of her dorm and walks around campus so she does not lose her parking spot. She said it can be hard to find parking if she does not stay parked in her spot.
Tennell said it is a long walk from the Health Professions Center to her dorm.
“I wish there were some sort of paths to where I could go back in the parking lot by the Health Professions building,” Tennell said. “If I do have a class over there and it’s pouring rain or snowing, I could go park over there and go to my class.”
Alex Taylor, freshman biology major, said there should be a parking pass or row for residents in the parking lots.
“Just something to where we can be closer if the conditions are bad,” Taylor said.
For a map of parking lots available on campus, students can visit the online campus map here.