“CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST: The Estate Sale” is the deluxe edition of Tyler, The Creator's sixth studio album and includes seven new songs that didn't make the album's initial release. (Photo courtesy of Tyler, The Creator)
When Tyler, The Creator released his sixth studio album, “CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST,” the music industry was shaken up again by his creative instrumentals and witty yet vulnerable lyrics. Now, he’s back with a deluxe version of his Grammy-winning album.
“CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST: The Estate Sale,” released on March 31, includes seven songs that didn’t make the album’s initial release. While some of these songs may feel out of place compared to the rest of the album, Tyler’s talent and ability to define a genre is undeniable nonetheless.
Over the past four years, when I think about the artists that have shaped my music taste over the past four years, Tyler, The Creator is definitely at the top of that list. My introduction to his music was his fourth studio album “Flower Boy,” which is still one of my favorite albums to date.
The style of his music has undergone a radical change. His early albums, “Goblin” and “Wolf,” were instrumentally good but undeniably raunchy. “Cherry Bomb” was his awkward transitioning point away from his original sound and was not received particularly well upon release. “Flower Boy” was the album where his current sound and vulnerability came into play, which would be a recognizable feature in his music years later.
“CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST” is the appropriate blend of “Flower Boy” and his fifth studio album, “IGOR.” “Flower Boy” is a blend of lo-fi, rap and soul all on one record. “IGOR” is loud, emotional and funky. “CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST” has aspects of both of these albums, but it reminds me of “Flower Boy” a more than anything. However, the album is still it’s own in all aspects of production, lyrics and instrumentals. The deluxe edition is no exception.
To briefly overview my thoughts on the original album, my favorite songs from “CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST” are “SWEET/ I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO DANCE,” and “WILSHIRE.” “SWEET/ I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO DANCE” is two classic songs mashed into one track. These mashups are staples of his albums. The first half of the song, “SWEET,” has a slow soul sound with catchy lyrics anyone can get into, while the second half, “I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO DANCE,” shifts to upbeat instrumentals and witty lyrics.
“WILSHIRE” is the most vulnerable track on the album and tells the story of the failed relationship between Tyler and his partner. The storytelling in this song is subtly painful but impressive, given that he recorded this song in one take. It’s easily the outlier on this album, but an excellent example of how he’s developed as a musician in his career.
The seven new songs on “The Estate Sale” pleasantly surprised me with the same Tyler sound I knew four years ago presented in a new era with a new mindset.
If you thought the original album felt lonely, just wait until you hear the deluxe version.
“The Estate Sale” emphasized everything listeners knew about the original album and themes that have riddled Tyler’s music at least since 2013. I’ve heard “CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST” sumarized as “Tyler is a bisexual homewrecker…and capitalism?” I can’t describe the capitalism part of it either, but it definitely feels like it’s there somehow.
The major themes of this album are success, love and loneliness.
Tyler is definitely grateful for his success and all the people who helped him get there. He has two tracks, “BLESSED” and “EVERYTHING MUST GO,” in which he thanks his fans for supporting him and talks about how grateful he is that his career is thriving. Although these tracks feel irrelevant to the rest of the album, you normally don’t hear his gratitude unless you follow him on social media or watch the Grammys. I love his addition of thanks in this album as well as how humble he can be considering his success in the industry.
My favorite track off the deluxe album by far is “WHARF TALK.” It’s light and catchy, and A$AP Rocky’s verse blends nicely with the vibe of the song. This one could’ve made the original release if it wanted to, as it doesn’t clash with the rest of the album.
“DOGTOOTH” was another notable track to me, considering the opening line alone immediately made me think, “Dang, he’s lonely.” The same vibe goes along with “BOYFRIEND, GIRLFRIEND,” but I like the instrumentation of this track more. It reminds me of an obscure level of “Super Mario Bros.”
“SORRY NOT SORRY,” the final track on “The Estate Sale,” is a notable finale that reminds me a lot of the final track from “IGOR,” “ARE WE STILL FRIENDS?” The music video for this song stands out because it features all the previous Tyler eras, and Tyler himself takes them out of the frame one by one. It’s like a weird self-critique, but it’s artsy at the same time. I love how innovative he can be beyond just the music itself because he can share a message we might not get by listening alone. It’s a rewarding experience for long-time fans of his music as he reveals more of his inner monologue.
“CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST: The Estate Sale” is the same great album that released in 2021 with a fresh breeze added for fans who loved the original album. Overall, I’d give it an eight out of 10.
“The Estate Sale” didn’t exactly blow me away, but the new editions were great, nonetheless. I think the new songs might have worked better as a separate EP instead of a whole new album, considering the original release was almost two years ago.
Still, “The Estate Sale” is nothing but Tyler’s best effort to produce music he’s passionate about, and I’m excited to see what his future projects hold.