Toxic friends and relationships are everywhere these days and it’s your job to identify the toxic people in your life so you can move on to have a better future.
Toxic people are consistently flaky, unreliable, rude, may gaslight and are generally a bad friend. Maybe you’ve just thought of someone and thought “no, I’ve known them forever, they can’t be toxic.”
They may be your best friend since kindergarten, or someone you met at orientation. Regardless of how long you’ve known them, they can still be toxic in your life.
In the realm of social media and technology, toxic friends are easier to spot and have become a hot topic.
It’s important to talk to your friends and let them know how you’re feeling. Maybe having a simple conversation can clear the air and help the friendship.
From there, you can assess the situation. If there’s no change in their behavior, let them know that you’re ending the friendship. Or, if you’re worried a confrontation may occur, it might be better to fade or cut this person out of your life completely.
It’s important to realize there is no shame in letting go of someone who has had a consistently negative impact on your life. As a college student, you have better things to worry about like that homework assignment you submitted at 11:55 last night.
If you are feeling bad about the aftermath of your relationship, it’s important to note there are numerous resources available on campus.
You could join clubs and organizations from African Cultures Club to Ultimate Frisbee. T Taking the first step and going to the first meeting is the hardest part, but who knows, you may just find a new life-long friend.
Now that you don’t have to waste time stressing about the toxic people in your life, you can use your time to improve yourself. Write that book you’ve always had in your head, or pick up gardening to cut back on your food waste. The opportunities for growth are endless.
After doing some activities you enjoy, you’ll end up feeling better about yourself and can begin to move on with your life. You’re not held down any more, you’re free to live the life that you deserve.
If you are feeling extreme distress from the split, don’t be afraid to go to the Counseling Center, which is staffed with highly trained professionals who can understand what you’re going through. If you’re worried about you or someone you know harming themselves, call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.
Remember, things get better, and you deserve to be content with all the people in your life.