Cambria Tobin’s red mini-dress flounced around her legs as she danced around the costumed children, parents and young adults. White lace hung just an inch lower than the red fabric, complemented by a white apron.
Pins and buttons decorated the apron like an artist’s haphazard splatter paint. Pink stickers in the shape of hearts were placed carefully on her cheeks. Her blond hair in high pigtails gave her the impression of a young school girl.
The 26-year-old university alum was dressed up as anime character Maid Hikari. “I like to think of my costume as a life-size doll come to life,” Tobin said.
Halloween wasn’t for another two months.
For comic book fans, it does not have to be Halloween to dress up like their favorite character. The Evansville Museum of Arts, History and Science hosted the Evansville Museum Geek and Comic Con Saturday.
Comic Cons happen all over the world, but for the Evansville Museum of Arts, History and Science, the frenzied excitement of painted faces and elaborate costumes was a new experience.
Enthusiasts were given a chance to flaunt their meticulously put together costumes, as well as attend sessions ranging from the history of political cartoons, to comic book art workshops.
Tobin participated in a session with five other girls dressed as anime characters. Their Maid Cafe performance featured traditional Japanese food, as well as anime inspired dancing.
“I love the cuteness and bright colors of the costumes,” Tobin said. “I am 26, and it makes me feel like a little girl again.”
Tobin said this is her first time at any Comic Con.
“I saw how much my friends were having when they attended Comic Cons and Pop Cons, and I wanted to be part of it,” Tobin said. “It is exciting to dress up, dance around and meet a bunch of really interesting people.”
Tobin said the intensity of the costumes varies from person to person.
“You have people that have spent enormous amounts of time and money creating a costume, as well as people who just wear a hat or a shirt,” Tobin said. “The wonderful thing about it is that both kinds of fans are welcome here.”
Freshman psychology major Hayley Flamion said this is her fifth time at a Comic Con.
“It’s amazing to be around so many people who share similar interests as you,” Flamion said. “Comic Cons are a unique experience to be something or someone you have never been.”
Flamion said coming to Comic Cons have made her more outgoing as a person.
“I have learned being creative and different is a good thing,” Flamion said. “I think many people, myself included, can feel like outsiders. You like a comic or a movie and you are called weird because of it. You come here and you meet weird people just like you, and you realize you’re not alone.”
Flamion participated in the Maid Cafe as well, her character being Maid Yosei.
Tobin said her psychology degree gives her a unique perspective on Comic Con.
“Comic Cons are the place people who never leave home come to,” Tobin said. “They receive social interaction with people who like the same things they do.They figure out they are not outsiders and they have a place they belong. It’s beautiful.”