I am a firm believer in meeting the greatest friends of your life in college.
For those who choose not to attend college, there are other places you meet those life-long friends.
But college is the best place.
Freshman are generally concerned whether or not people will like them. Sometimes they are worried whether they will be able to make friends in the first place.
I was nervous about my first year at school, only coming to USI knowing a couple people.
I was lucky I roomed with someone I knew, considering my suitemates were strangers, along with everyone else on my floor.
Throughout the year, I began to step outside my comfort zone and talk to new people down the hall.
I went to movies, haunted hayrides, a Christmas gift exchange, parties and social events with my new friends.
It became easier each time I talked with new people because I chose to step outside my comfort zone.
Today, I have made the best friends I never thought I could make.
It’s so easy to meet new people and make new friends if you take a deep breath and be comfortable with who you are as a person.
I am confident the friends I have made will stick with me for the rest of my life.