Faculty Senate discusses outside employment policy

Faculty Senate voted to endorse the removal of an outside employment policy and recommended  the approval of moving the University Core Curriculum committee to a subcommittee.

Senators voted in favor of dropping the policy requiring employees to get the approval of their supervisors before conducting any outside employment.

Under the current policy, supervisors can deny outside employment to faculty members for taking jobs like consulting, book writing and teaching at other schools.

“Employees in general are agents and employers are principal,” associate professor of accounting and business law Brett Long said. “Agents all owe their principal a duty of loyalty and then the question is how high up on the chart you are as to whether it gets enforced.”

Long said he was trying to figure out a way to prevent an employee from getting fired from another job with whom the university competes with if they are to get rid of the policy.

Two senators voted in opposition of the removal of the policy, while two others abstained. The other 12 senators voted in favor of removing the policy.

Senators also voted for the approval to move the University Core Curriculum committee to become a Faculty Senate subcommittee.

The senators also discussed separating the Core 39 curriculum from the core curriculum. There was no stated desire for students to be on the Core 39 Committee.

The Senators also discussed workshop options for faculty members, and the alteration of course evaluations.

“In the College of Nursing and Health Professions, we’ve been unhappy with course evaluations for a long time,” assistant professor of nursing Charlotte Connerton said.

Connerton said she has gathered representatives from the college of nursing who are willing to work to readjust the course evaluations for increased effectiveness.