Pokemon go

Catching all the candidates

Watching the Pokemon franchise recapture the world by storm in mere days gives me great hope for the upcoming presidential election.

For all of the half-baked think-pieces about how Millennials ruin everything and are incapable of succeeding in the real world, they made a poorly designed game the most successful app in the world within hours of its release.

Under the surface, Pokemon Go is not a very good game. Poorly defined controls, gameplay easily affected by cell signal and users who have poorly constructed GPS software.

On its face, it’s a re-skin of Ingress, another game that requires a ton of walking and staring at one’s phone.

Yet when you take that game and slap some visual aesthetic from a franchise beloved by my generation, suddenly it’s the coolest thing ever.

It was so cool just making a YouTube video explaining how to use a shady download link to get the game a day before it was officially live could guarantee someone a few thousand hits.

The allure of re-experiencing the joy of catching the first 151 Pokemon all over again was enough to bring millions of us out of the woodwork for a brief, shining moment.

Imagine if that happened in November.

Imagine if, beyond all the memes and infighting caused online, those same people took as much time to study up on presidential, state and local candidates as they did attempting to hack their iPhone to run Pokemon Go early.

If there’s one thing Pokemon Go has shown me, it’s that Millennials have the power to move mountains, at least for a brief moment.

After all of the complaining about the other candidates and whining how old voters go to the polls more often, you went through a process as hard as voting in getting a stupid little app that lets you flick balls and obsess over catching a Pikachu (even though it’s a crap Pokemon to have in Go).

I implore all of the trainers on campus and out there on the Web: Take the time to give a shit in the fall.